Use this if you have a single sample that has multiple notes in it like a vocal sample or a bass line, and you want each note in the sample on its own key.If the Activation screen says that you have a digital license, follow the instructions for transferring a digital license below.

You can also quickly create a sampler instrument by dragging audio files to the track header. If you have multiple samples of sounds that don't have a particular pitch that you want assigned to MIDI notes, like drum samples, choose a Chromatic drop zone.To make an instrument from multiple samples of pitched instrument notes, such as samples of different notes of the same piano, or if you have a single sample that has multiple notes in it like a vocal sample or a bass line, choose an Optimized drop zone.Drag samples from the Logic Pro browsers, the Finder, a region or cell, or even from a marquee selection on a region to one of the import options in Navigation Bar:.Click the Sampler in the Instrument slot in the channel strip to open the Sampler window.To make sure you have an empty sampler, don’t load a sampler instrument from the library. Create a software instrument track with Sampler as the instrument.

To get started, create an Instrument track with Sampler: Sampler analyzes the samples, creates zones containing the samples, and then maps the zones to keys. To quickly create a sampler instrument, just drag one or more samples to the Navigation Bar in Sampler.